A New Normal

Written by Laura Ferguson
Thu 20th Aug 2020

So 2020 hasn’t quite shaped up how we imagined. But we’ve been busy behind the scenes adapting and evolving the way we work, to ensure we can continue to deliver amazing films for our clients.

Where a client has needed real people to help them tell their story, we have filmed remotely, assessing the recording kit available and supplying when necessary. Plus we have offered advice on framing, sound and lighting. This film we made for the Water Industry Commission for Scotland was made using a combination of stock and interviews filmed remotely on mobile phones.

Animation has proved popular, when filming hasn’t been possible, to spread a message in an engaging and impactful way. This film we created for the League Against Cruel Sports was to highlight the shocking results of a recent survey.

During lockdown, NHS Lanarkshire had some important messages they needed to convey to the community. They decided to use animation to do this. We create this using a square aspect ratio as the primary viewing platform was social media.

We are also out filming again, adhering to strict COVID guidelines, which you can view here. Give us a shout and we can chat through how to tell your story.