Why you should be creating new video content regularly

Written by Fiona Thomas
Thu 19th Feb 2015

Anyone who owns or runs a business knows the importance of coming up with new ideas on a regular basis. Staying the same means your customers might get bored or move onto the next trendy product without a second thought. We’re not talking about jumping on the bandwagon when it comes to trends, but instead adding value to your brand by offering new information in the form of fresh, exciting video content…

It builds your brand
One key way to get consumers genuinely interested in your product or service is by telling your story. Doing this in a one-off advert with actors and scripts is a good starting point, but uploading new videos on a regular basis is an effective way to build up an image of what your company is really about. You can do this in a very structured way, by planning out exactly what information you want to feed your customers and tie this in with any upcoming product launches. For example, say you are adding a new premium range to your hair care products which are quite expensive. You might want to post a video sharing what scientific research went into the product, along with details on any specialist ingredients or techniques that are used that make your product unique and worth paying for. Content like this will help paint a picture of how much work goes into your product in a way that you wouldn’t be able to showcase in an advert.
If you prefer a less structured approach you could simply commit to producing new content on a regular basis and decided on the subject matter as and when interesting topics arise. You could even ask for video suggestions on your social media pages and respond to customer queries in a weekly Q&A video. This is particularly good for professionals who can offer specialist advice such as a personal trainer. As you can imagine, feeding this fresh content to customers reinforces your ability to perform in your industry and will help instill confidence in your brand.

FREE GUIDE: 5 Types of Video to Improve Your Business

It encourages new traffic
Uploading new videos will mean more opportunities to share your content on the web, hopefully driving more traffic towards your site. Not every video will get numerous shares and likes, but simply uploading new footage will get views, and even just one or two comments will flag up the video on more news feeds to new customers. Try creating videos that don’t necessarily relate directly to your product to get people talking about the content first – think Jean Claude Van Damme in those Coors Light ads. These kinds of videos will get attention for being good fun in their own right, attracting customers who might never have known about your brand otherwise.

Outrun your competitors
The best brands keep their online content refreshed on a daily basis. We know that not everyone can afford to do that, nor is it necessary for small to medium businesses. However, many growing businesses fail to see just how important it is to keep your online presence updated. Although it can seem like an unnecessary cost, the additional information relayed to your existing and potential customers will be invaluable. It will set you apart from other competitors who lag behind with their online content, and will take advantage of video, the world’s fastest growing marketing tool. Businesses everywhere are spending more money on video content to keep up with the success of You Tube and Vimeo, and you should capitalise on its potential too.